Monday, April 21, 2008

"One day, all babies will be born healthy. But we have to walk to get there"

That was the theme of this year's "March of Dimes - March for Babies". The Parks family participated in the walk this past Saturday (my company is a huge supporter of the cause). It was our 2nd year doing so. Last year TJ and Olivia were pretty young so we just attended the walk. This year, however, we braved the dangerous roads (…not really) of Melbourne to walk for the tiny babies! We had a great time!! Terry brought some of his players to participate as well which was nice. We didn't walk the entire 4.5 mile course - I bet we walked about 2 miles total. The kids and I took a shortcut because they started getting restless in the stroller…we let Terry and his players finish out the course on behalf of the family;) It should be better next year when they have another year under their belts! Anyway, it was a beautiful day! We were able to play in the grass, blow bubbles and enjoy the atmosphere! Of course as soon as I let them out of the stroller Olivia, with her bottle of sun block in hand, went in one direction; and TJ shot off in the opposite direction. Luckily my coworker was there to help me out!!
Afterwards we went home - Terry had open gym at the school so I was on my own for the rest of the day. Of course I was worn out from the sun and from pushing their stroller for 2 miles, but they were wired!! We ended up going back out and attending a PAL basketball game that a few of our friends/coworkers coach to kill a few more hours until Terry got back…
One last thing. TJ let out the burp of ALL burps yesterday. Terry heard it all the way in the other room. It was impressive…

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